What are the requirements to become a SOAR management consultant?
Consultants must reside in Greater Boston and have at least 15 years of executive/professional level experience and/or relevant specialized skills. We are looking for excellent collaborators with a strong desire for new challenges and growth.
After I fill out the application form, what happens?
After we receive your application form, a member of our team will review the form and arrange an interview if you are a qualified candidate.
Is there an onboarding or orientation process?
The professional development orientation for selected candidates spans eight weeks, with five-hour sessions held weekly.
Orientation workshop topics include nonprofit structure, strategic planning, nonprofit finance, program evaluation/outcome measurement, relationship management, and consulting skills and frameworks. Sessions also include guest speakers. Workshops are highly interactive, and consultants share knowledge from their work and volunteer experiences.
What is the time commitment?
Each project lasts from four to nine months, with the time commitment per week averaging five hours. Hours are flexible; however, consultants are asked to be available for daytime and occasional nighttime client meetings.
How are consulting teams formed?
Teams of three to four are formed for each project and include a project coordinator and additional consultants with expertise related to the consulting engagement. An experienced project coach provides oversight, guidance, and support to teams when requested throughout the course of the consulting engagement.
What professional development opportunities are available to SOAR consultants?
SOAR sponsors frequent professional development workshops to enhance consulting skills and provide networking opportunities for consultants. In addition, SOAR consultants can get involved on the board, on committees, or on various ad hoc workgroups.